Ned and George Interview – Martin Cruddace

What bought you to Betfair?
I was lucky enough to be a partner in a private practice the law was to narrow for me so I wanted to become involved in sports law. I acted for the jockeys during the mobile phone case and it was played up in the press €“ at the same time Betfair were looking for a legal director, and at that time their business was 70% horse racing (it is less now). I had a call from a head hunter about the position. I was happy in my job, and Betfair was the only company I was willing to leave it for.

How many people work in the legal department?
There are nine lawyers in all. We need this amount as Betfair is a huge company and rapidly growing. Detailed advice is needed as betfair needs to act legally.

As well as being head of legal you are the company secretary. What does this entail?
The company secretary advises the board on all legal issues. and has responsibility for ensuring that the company is compliant with all laws and regulations in the UK and elsewhere.

What is the board?

Essentially they are the people that set the strategies that the management execute. They are also responsible for appointing and unappointing board members.

Any tips for later life?
My father once said you spend a third of your life sleeping, a third enjoying yourself and the other third working. Its fundamental that you enjoy what you do. If you wake up not looking forward to the challenges that the day provides, you will probably make errors. I think it€™s essential to put that ahead of financial reasons. You will be better at your job if you enjoy it.

I understand you are a fan of the horses. Who is your horse of the season? Manduro


Ned and George